valley's therianthropy

i am mainly using this carrd in order to save images that strike me as particularly 'me'-like! i will also include short descriptions about my reasons for identifying as the animals that i do in their sections.when it comes to the therian label as a whole - i identify as such for psychological reasons, not spiritual. i am a therian because i am autistic; these 2 identities are very closely tied together for me. the therian label helps me express parts of my behavior and mental processes which i also connect to my autism.i consider myself both therian and otherkin, and will sometimes call myself otherkin, coyotekin, and catkin.

coyote therian

i identify as a coyote because of how much i relate to their personalities, mostly. i also have a strong connection to their overall anatomy; especially their faces, in particular their muzzles (as this is the body part that i get phantom shifts most often, followed by ears/forepaws on the same level of frequency, then tail).

cat therian

i identify as a cat because a lot of my behaviors are similar to theirs, with some having been adopted directly from them. this identity is very closely intertwined with my autism, especially because a lot of my cat-like behaviors also come from me being autistic. i am, specifically, a calico cat therian, as when i picture myself i see a long-haired (very long-haired) calico cat.